Cosmetic Dental


Boutique Whitening

Boutique Whitening is a professional grade teeth whitening gel and can only be dispensed by a licenced dental practitioner. Offering both day and night formula options, this gel is formulated to brighten and whiten teeth within just 5-14 days.


The process begins with an assessment of your gum health to ensure you have the recommended health standard to proceed with whitening. We then take a mould of your teeth and discuss the best formula of whitening gel is best for your scenario. It takes approximately 1 week for your whitening retainers to be completed after being fabricated at our in-house laboratory. The dentist will then explain how to apply the gel and correctly wear your retainers and the gel is dispensed to you to take home. You can also purchase gel refills from our clinic! This may need to be ordered in for you depending on your needs.

Pola Day Whitening

Pola Day features a neutral pH teeth whitening formula that can achieve your desired whitening effect. Each syringe also contains fluoride to remineralise your teeth and shield them against tooth sensitivity. Pola Day uses hydrogen peroxide, a quick-acting tooth whitening ingredient.


Your dentist will help you select the most appropriate strength for your teeth.


Veneers can be an excellent solution to chipped, damaged or discoloured teeth. These facings are placed over the tooth to create a dramatic difference in appearance. Veneers allow us to change the contour, shape or colour of your tooth! They’re also ideal for those with crowding, spatial issues or overlapping teeth.


There are a number of types of veneers at Dental Circle. Composite veneers are created using a white restorative material. Although this option doesn’t provide the long-lasting results of ceramic veneers, you can still achieve cosmetic results in a minimally invasive manner. However, ceramic veneers will yield the best long-term results.


There are other alternatives to implants and bridges such as dentures. Dentures have been part of the dental industry for many years, however our modern-day dentures are more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

There are two types of dentures: full dentures that replace all of your teeth and partial dentures that can replace 1 or several missing teeth. Both types of dentures may require some teeth to be extracted to be replaced by a prosthetic tooth. 

The Process

We begin by taking an impression of your teeth which is used to custom-craft your dentures. If any extractions are required, we can place a temporary denture to assist with healing and provide you with a replacement until your final set are complete. As an alternative to this, dentures are often inserted on the same day that you have your extractions. This allows the denture to mould around the extraction site properly to allow a more comfortable fit. 


The denture creation process takes numerous stages and appointments, and it’s best to discuss this directly with our owner and in-house prosthetist, Adrian, so that you understand the process fully.


You can have your dentures checked at your 6 month recall to ensure they’re fitting well and are not causing ulceration. Follow-ups and maintenance are essential when caring for dentures. We don’t recommend wearing your dentures 24 hours a day. Take them out before going to bed and use a mild soap to clean them. Store them in a dry place in a clean environment to avoid bacteria

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